Round Robin Row Quilt Challenge

 Yearly Block Challenge

My local quilt guild this year is just finishing up a Round Robin Row Quilt Challenge. There was one limitation to the challenge, the width of the quilt could only be 36 1/2" wide. Any other limitations may have been given by the owner of the quilt, such as the type of blocks that could be used, the color of the fabric, or even the theme but there was no limitation as to the size of the block if it fit in the 36 1/2" width. Originally, we were going to break up the group into two different groups but then we had a couple of members cancel at the last minute. So, we had one group. Each person listed different limitations and wants for their quilt. Some provided material while others were looking for a scrappy quilt. We are in the last month and will receive our quilts back next month to finish the quilt. 

This challenge has been extremely exciting because it requires the quilter to be a designer as well as an accurate piecer. Each quilt has been extremely different and that has been interesting for the designer part of me to come up with the block or design that would look best for the quilt. This challenge has allowed me to work on blocks I may never have done before. 

 Some of the quilts have been harder to work on than others due to either color choices of the quilt, size of the quilt, or just coming up with the perfect block for the row I'll add. In the nine quilts I've seen, most have a nice array of different size blocks. From a design perspective, this makes the quilt more interesting. 

The quilts are to be presented finished at our October meeting. So, stay tuned, I'll post the final in November.

Maybe you would want to do a Round Robin Row Quilt with your guild. Just click on the picture below to get the forms we used to make our challenge a success!


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